Joining technology in multi material designs for lightweight applications

Flexible fastening solutions for dissimilar materials

The range of applications for lightweight materials has significantly increased over the last few years. Especially in the automotive industry, the lightweight and composite design is increasingly being integrated into almost all components of future vehicles.

In particular, the multi-material body shell design offers excellent possibilities for weight reduction due to the large number of used materials. In addition to various types of steel and aluminium, modern, hot-worked steels which are used for structural and safety components in vehicles are also used in this area. These steel types provide an excellent crash resistance and significantly contribute to a weight reduction.

This heterogeneous material mix meets the highest demands on stability and torsion resistance of the car body. This must also be ensured by the used joining technology. The different materials must be connected in a long-lasting and reliable way - and withstand the highest loads. EJOT offers customised fastening solutions for these challenging applications in car bodies and their periphery.
